Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Fight against corruption

If Central/State Govt,Bank,Govt.Institution,Local Bodies,- Officer/Clerk ask for bribe,call 0522-2201459,0522-2622985,Cell No 9415012635.
The concerned person of Team Anna will take action fast and keeping you anonymous.Your work will also be done.
Ravi Sharma

Vineet's Spiritual Yearnings: Chandrika Devi, Lucknow

Vineet's Spiritual Yearnings: Chandrika Devi, Lucknow

Saturday, 3 September 2011


कोई दीवाना कहता है कोई पागल समझता है मगर धरती की बेचैनी को बस बादल समझता है,
मैंतुझसे दूर कैसा हुँ तू मुझसे दूर कैसी है ये मेरा दिल समझता है या तेरा दिल
समझताहै !!! समुँदर पीर का अंदर है लेकिन रो नहीं सकता ये आसुँ प्यार का मोती है
इसको खोनहीं सकता , मेरी चाहत को दुल्हन तू बना लेना मगर सुन ले जो मेरा हो नहीं
पाया वोतेरा हो नहीं सकता !!! मुहब्बत एक एहसानों की पावन सी कहानी है कभी कबीरा
दीवाना थाकभी मीरा दीवानी है, यहाँ सब लोग कहते है मेरी आँखों में आसूँ हैं जो तू
समझे तोमोती है जो न समझे तो पानी है !!! भ्रमर कोई कुमुदनी पर मचल बैठा तो हँगामा
हमारेदिल में कोई ख्वाब पला बैठा तो हँगामा, अभी तक डूब कर सुनते थे हम किस्सा
मुहब्बतका मैं किस्से को हक़ीक़त में बदल बैठा तो हँगामा

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Doctors are not God but not evil everytime.Trust and Love them too

There are times when you realize that many things in life are taken for granted. Let’s take a look at the incident that happened in a Delhi hospital day before yesterday. A patient’s family and relatives brutally beat up the Doctors and nurses on duty and the ward boys for no fault of theirs.

How many times do we ponder upon that the Doctors who save our lives, who take care of us selflessly are being treated badly. And before everybody starts judging me, let me tell you, I am not a Doctor, but an IT professional, who has seen few Doctor’s life very closely.

I agree there are some medicine sharks who have given bad name to the profession, but trust me for every one bad doctor, there are thousands who are working selflessly for the community. It’s easy for all of us to put a blame on Doctor and say, (s)he did not give proper attention to the patient. If Doctors go on strike against atrocities against them, then most of so called educated lot jump and say, “Oh look at them, medicine is the most noble profession and all these people care for is their demands and don’t care for the patient”.

Has anyone ever thought that what facilities our Government gives to these people who have spent their youth in books and becoming a good Doctor to serve the community? Not everybody goes in for private practice and mint money. There are people who are serving in Government hospitals where people from all strata come. Govt. is ready to give all sorts of discounts to underprivileged, which I agree is required too. But in turn what perks/recognition/facilities are given to the people who are performing their duty. A meager salary…What if tomorrow, same people decide to quit Government job and start their own practice or move out to greener pastures? Will our Government be able to bear the loss of such noble community? Not everybody will be able to afford a private practitioner, in that case what will happen to people from lower economic strata. Again Doctors will be blamed. In either case they are at the receiving end.
I think it’s very unfair.
It’s time we start thinking humane aspect of the situation. Doctor’s are humans too. Why do we expect that after 24-36 hours of duty, a doctor is supposed to attend emergencies and still smile. Can we do it after slogging for 10-12 hours in our air conditioned office?

Did we ever think of Doctors who are working in rural areas or for Govt. hospitals and the conditions they work in? In some universities, it is mandatory for doctors to undergo 2 years rigorous internship in a rural area to get their final degree. A noble thought for sure on part of authorities, but then what facilities such people are given?

Has anyone thought about the plight of a Doctor who is treating patients with highly infectious diseases and may have contracted them in turn? Surgical procedures are dangerous to the Doctor also, what if they get needle prick from a sero positive patient?

Has anyone thought about the trauma a Doctor undergoes if a patient who is terminally ill dies and they are not able to help them out? How helpless they feel to watch them die? Doctors under their tough cover are human beings who have a heart and soul. They have feelings too.
I think we (the people and the Government) are being very very unfair to this community. I am also guilty of being judgmental at times. But years of association with many Doctors has made me realize how wrong I was.
If such situation continues then that day is not far when young generation will start shying off medicine profession. Are we ready to see that day?

I love u very much- really?

Simple, everyday, seemingly unimportant ways go a long way in enriching your relationship and making it last forever. All it takes is a little creativity, and a genuine need to reach out to your loved one. Follow your heart, make those little gestures, and see how your love life get recharged with a new life... And if you still need a bit of prodding, here are some hints...

Make sure you say ‘I love you’ at least once each day to your spouse. Listening to you saying those words again and again is all the emotional reassurance that your partner needs to keep that spark alive.

Give your mate an unexpected hug, a surprisingly romantic kiss, or a teasing tickle often. These are all ways of physically reinforcing those three important words.

Be spontaneous and surprising with unexpected notes, winking at each other, whisking your spouse away for an unexpected weekend alone, star-gazing together, taking a walk in the rain with one another...

Share memories by looking at old photographs and talking about memories you share together.

Schedule a day to just be leisurely together. Away from kids and the rest of the family members, away from everyday tensions and work. Great for bonding.

Listen. First to each other. Pay attention when your partner says something. And next, listen together ... could be Beethoven or even the news... the important thing is to share your likes and dislikes.

Share why you love your spouse. Nothing boosts your partner’s morale faster than this. No wonder it works every time.

Give the gift of your time by performing trivial chores for your spouse, such as folding clothes, running an errand, washing the car, etc.

Don’t forget anniversaries and birthdays. Never. Nothing brings about the crumbling of an affair faster than this.

Smile. Often. At each other, for no reason at all, together at something else...

Blow your partner a kiss from across the room – this is the most romantic gesture that the French ever discovered.

Dance with your spouse in your own living room. Plan a surprise, if you can. The minute your partner walks into the room, the music goes on. So do the lights, and you waltz into his or her arms. There is something very romantic about waltzing in your own house.

Hold hands. Yet another simple action, but great for sustaining a relationship.

Plan and cook a meal together. And eat it over candlelight.

Send love notes to each other... keeps you on his or her mind even when out of sight. These days, SMSes have taken over, and people have forgotten how to write those cute little handwritten notes to each other. But the fact is, nothing beats them when it comes to the sheer romanticism, and of course, communication.

Exit Interview is better option for organisation’s own benefit

“I believe in serving the organization in the best way with dignity, honesty and productivity, whether the period is short or long. Instead of working their in frustration looking for salary hike or promotion.
                    So I was just talking about the exit interview. Normally it happens that the person resigns and asks for immediate relieving, even he ignores his notice period or salary. Reason may be that he has got better salary/designation hike OR he could not find himself comfortable in his present organization. It is really painful that in the present competitive period, professionally qualified employees, get better opportunities but it is also true that the, employers fails to retain them. I am not talking about the CEO or H. O .D .s but certainly many time immediate seniors for obvious reasons (due to lack of confidence in their work/efficiency/knowledge) find themselves insecure and always afraid of their junior, when their juniors gets double promotion and becomes their senior.
This is the right time when companies in  India should make policy of an exit interview, which should be in real sense an honest effort. This will make them comfortable and will ensure of removing weaknesses of their organization or the seniors who had forced a best employee out of the organization. By this they will also come to know so many merits and good suggestions.They should not think that honest fruitful and productive brain is the property of the seniors but even a junior staff or a peon may give them tips for betterment. This effort may also retain that employee who had resigned due to some frustration and if he gets remedy in way of his change of his nature of job or simply transfer from one department, or his due salary hike or promotion, which he deserves.

banged the door and left.
Roma asked her husband ”What dinner should we make for you tonight

“What the hell do you mean by asking such question, make what ever you want but I wont like to eat those tasteless stuff 

It is often a day to day affair when husband cries and looses his temper by asking where are his under garments, socks, and some times when the food is excessive salty or no salt or for any other reason rages at full volume and leaves for office.

But it is also a normal feature that with in an hour he forgets anger and  his wife too.Iin the evening he comes home, hugs her wife, few smacks. They make a programme for outing or dinner in a cuisine restaurant. It means men or women are not naturally a querrel liking persons and wants life’s enjoyment and share love with each other. There are so many causes in our society, which spoils their behaviour pattern.Hindi Morning News Paper is also one of the reason,worst news on every page,even sports page. The rushing to office and coming back to sweet home, has also become risky and lots of polutions- noise,fuel, gases and traffic hazards makes every one irritant and angry.

You will find two boys boxing on road, or school or in any public place, slapping or abusing each other, but an hour is enough for them to forget and enjoy.

It is observed that the behavior, and if it is quarrel between husband and wife, makes them, a good fighter, quarrel or their personality becomes shattered, which reflect in school.

A Class teacher called parents of one of the student who was notorious for his bad behaviors and mannersShe complained and with in 10 minutes, she came to know the reason of the student’s behavior. His  parents were quarrelling and leveling false or true allegations  on each other with loud voice. Obviously homely atmosphere made that boy sick,arrogant,unhappy and mentally disturbed.

Anger is the most commonly experienced emotion and it affects our body and mind adversely. Our heart rate increases and blood pressure shoots up- and comes into action, and then body hormones like adrenalin and non-adrenalin

Overwhelming medical evidence shows that anger, whether expressed or held in, makes you ill. Angry people have higher high rate of death from nearly every cause. They are more isolated and unsuccessful. Their relationship is marked by conflict, withdrawal and loss. Anger can range from mild irritation to rage.

Rage is a kind of temporary insanity.  None of us can thing or act effectively if we are angry. Yes anger is a perfectly normal human emotion. It is an adaptive survival response to threats and dangers that helps us to defend ourselves. It becomes inappropriate, prolonged ,excessive or out of control.

So now we have to analyze anger in the following queries:

Firstly.Whether anger  is harmful:- It is not always harmful, rather defends us from allowing other people to manipulate or dominate us. Side by side it also motivates us to take action against the errant individuals.

Secondly, I have seen many people who do not loose anger and keeps their anger in themselves. This continues for years, causing them High BP, Diabetes or even Heart Problems.

When one person releases his anger in full volume, not as a daily practice, but when most desired, releases all his mind, and feel relieved. My Niece a Doctor when came to my house with her mother(my sister) once said, which I still remember. Her remark was for husbands, that they better loose their temper on his wife or any dear one and forget everything,instead of hating them deeply.

Let us examine why one is so arrogant in behavior. It is always clear in the case of husband wife relations. Both do loose anger on each other and the simple reason is that they expects from their spouse unexpected demands/or high expectation of love and caring,sometimes more, which is not feasible to respond. Later they do agree, when used to talk in cool manner. But, as I have said earlier, that man wants delicious breakfast, Lunch in office and nicely made dinner by his lovely wife.

But she must understand that she is not making meal for only herself but for his husband. If she had made delicious food according to her thoughts, but her hubby does not like that preparation, will loose temper

Sometimes i dont know why wives used to say a big No to their husbands, if it is for outing,long drive,provide her medicine, helping in kitchen or any desired, they deny. This causes a never ending hatred feelings. And one day comes when  that man ignores at everystep herwife, not even asking her how she is?Because he is afraid of her high temper or big No.This leads him to move out to market, or late coming after work, or drinking and drug addict and so on.

This struggle starts most of the time when husband is non veg and wife is veg Brahmin family born lady. This leads men to move in the market to eat and avoid home meal preparations. Sex hunger is also demanding in the same manner. This mainly leads anger, slapping and finally deep rooted hatred towards each other.

One of the best solution is to talk with her in cool atmosphere what she wants and assure her that you love her too much and caring.

But many a time when rag is quite obvious and you dont know how to control your outburst,better
to loose your temper and forget with in few minutes. But let the other person feel that you are right. Even if you are not, she will come forward to clarify your misunderstanding. This will leave you relieved from not only tension but physical ailments in future.